Your comments

Solved, using purrr does the trick for me

If this is helpful to anyone, I used the following code:

> experiments = deepblue_list_experiments(project = "ENCODE")
> ## Note the following step can take quite a while
> tmp = deepblue_info(id = experiments$id)
> meta = tibble(experiment_id = map_chr(tmp, "_id"),
+               file_accession = map(tmp, "extra_metadata") %>% map_chr("file_encode_accession", .null = NA), ## Ensures missing data does not throw error
+               sample_accession = map(tmp, "sample_info") %>% map_chr("accession", .null = NA),
+               genome = map_chr(tmp, "genome"),
+               epigenetic_mark = map_chr(tmp, "epigenetic_mark"),
+               description = map_chr(tmp, "description"),
+               project = map_chr(tmp, "project"),
+               technique = map_chr(tmp, "technique"),
+               file_type = map(tmp, "extra_metadata") %>% map_chr("file_type", .null = NA),
+               biosource_name = map(tmp, "sample_info") %>% map_chr("biosource_name", .null = NA),
+               biosource_type = map(tmp, "sample_info") %>% map_chr("biosample_type", .null = NA))

Thanks! This works well. Any suggestions on processing the resulting info?

The function given in the tutorial does not work for me:

# Obtain the information about the experiment_id
  info = deepblue_info(experiment_id)

  # Print the experiment name, project, biosource, and epigenetic mark.
  with(info, { data.frame(name = name, project = project,
    biosource = sample_info$biosource_name, epigenetic_mark = epigenetic_mark)

This returns an error.

I've also tried to use many different tidyverse options try to convert it to a managable nested data frame (eg. combinations of flatten and unnest) structure but I'm not having any luck.

Got it, thanks. I suspect that this should be a highly requested feature =)

Hey Felipe,

Thanks for your response. I'm currently trying the following:

> experiments = deepblue_list_experiments()
Called method: deepblue_list_experiments
Reported status was: okay
> experiment_meta = deepblue_info(id = experiments$id)

The deepblue_info() command either hangs or is taking a long time (been waiting 30 minutes or so).

